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2018 MASH831 Spring Homebrew Competition

2018 MASH831 Spring Homebrew Competition It’s that time again! Get your entries ready! Competition Information: Open Category – BJCP 2015 Style Guidelines Entry Cost: $8 per entry Number of bottles per entry: 2 bottles required Multiple entries allowed, however, you cannot enter the same category twice. IE, you can enter one beer into 21A American […]

Yeast Collaboration Project Tasting!

We have a date and time for the event! Saturday July 22nd, from 12:00p – 1:30p at Alvarado Street Brewing’s Monterey Beer Garden! If you haven’t signed up, there’s still time! So far we have over 30 different yeasts that will be available to taste and muse over. Sign up here:

Yeast Collaboration Project

It’s that time again! Who wants in on a little club science project? In good science, you try to reduce the variables to as few as possible. In homebrewing, there tends to be a bunch of variables. Narrowing it down to just a few takes some serious planning. So we did some planning. Here’s the […]

Some Updates!

Hey Everybody- Sorry for the lack of updates, but the site had a hiccup and we had to roll back things a little bit. We have a quite few upcoming events and projects/collaborations in the works! April 21st – Next Meetup! Behind Bottoms Up Homebrew Supply! 6:00p-7:30p May 6th – Salinas Steinbeck Rotary Club’s Steinbeck’s […]

Single Hop Group Brew Project

Please scroll through the list below to see if the hop variety you want has not been chosen. If it hasn’t, sign up using the form below. The list only refreshes every few minutes. After you sign up, don’t worry if your name doesn’t show up right away. Feel free to refresh repeatedly until it […]