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Homebrew events bill to be voted on

A note from Gary Glass… Help Legalize Homebrew Events in California June 30, 2014 Dear California AHA Members, Your action is needed now to ensure passage of AB 2609, a bill that will allow homebrewer organizations to host homebrew events in the state of California like the Southern California Homebrewers Festival and the AHA National […]

Legalize CA Homebrew Events

The following is a message from Gary Glass, Director of the American Homebrewers You can read the exact same message on the AHA’s website here. Dear California AHA Member, Your action is needed now to ensure passage of AB 2609, a bill that will allow homebrewer organizations to host homebrew events in the state of […]

Homebrew Law – Clarified, but open for discussion.

There has been a lot of discussion on Mash831 email about the laws associated with the AB-2609 Home brewers and home winemakers, and about the legality of having homebrew events at local establishments. Hopefully this will clear things up, or at least promote some discussion. AB-2609: Amends the law 23356.2 of the Business and Professional […]