Spring Competition Entry Forms

Here are links to the entry forms for the Spring Competition. Print ’em out, fill out both forms, and drop ’em off over at Bottoms Up. The forms are doubled up just in case you get so excited while filling them out that you spell your name wrong.

Turn in both forms with your entries.
Entry Form (just fill this one out once)
Bottle ID Form (rubber band these to your bottles)

Entry Window: May 1st – May 14th by 6PM
Drop Off Location: Bottoms Up Homebrew Supply
Entry Fee: $5 << CASH ONLY! >>
Entry Details: 2 12oz, 2 22oz, or combination thereof. The bottles must be pry off amber beer bottles with no markings. Each bottle must have entry form attached via rubber band.
Fine Print: Enter as many times as you like, but only one entry per category.

Winners will be informed a week or so after the entry deadline. If you haven’t done it already, happy bottling!

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